• Sa 28. Mrz

    warm up
    a) 5 down ups
    10 samson stretch
    10 instep stretch + rotation
    5 down ups
    10 dynamic bridges
    10 hip crossover

    b) 2 rounds
    20sec on/10sec off
    star plank /right
    reverse lunge kicks/right
    star plank/left
    reverse lunge kicks/left

    scaled kneeling star plank

    for time
    10,20,30 burpees
    20,40,60 forward lunges
    30,20,10 reverse burpees
    60,40,20 reverse lunges

    time cap 20min

  • Fr 27. Mrz

    warm up
    a) 20 mountain climbers
    10 sumo squat stretch
    10 alt twisted cross
    20 mountain climbers
    10 alt lat stretch
    10 dynamic bridges

    b) 3 rounds
    10 alt cossack squats
    10 squat good mornings
    10 superman

    3 rounds
    for total reps
    1min frog jumps
    1min hand release push ups
    1min half burpee
    1min arch rocks
    1min rest

  • Do 26. Mrz

    warm up
    a) 5 down ups
    10 samson stretch
    10 lateral squat stretch
    5 down ups
    10 dynmaic bridges
    10 hip crossover

    a) 3 rounds
    5 tempo bulgarian split squat left leg
    5 tempo bulgarian split squat right leg
    30sec single arm plank hold left side
    30sec single arm plank hold right side

    b) amrap 15min
    2,4,6,8,10,12, etc
    chair dips
    tuck ups
    chair step ups

  • Mi 25. Mrz

    warm up
    a) 20 ankle jumps
    10 alt inverted hamstring stretches
    20 ankle jumps
    10 alt instep stretch + rotation
    20 ankle jumps
    10 lateral squat stretches
    20 ankle jumps
    10 sumo squat stretch

    b) 3 rounds
    10 alt single leg romanian deadlift with knee raises
    20 plank knee twist
    20sec bottom of push up hold

    for time
    10 squats
    50 jumping jacks
    20 squats
    50 jumping jacks
    30 squats
    50 jumping jacks
    40 squats
    50 jumping jacks
    50 squats
    50 jumping jacks
    60 squats
    50 jumping jacks
    70 squats
    50 jumping jacks

    time cap 16min

  • Di 24. Mrz

    warm up
    a) 20 jumping ja ks
    10 alt instep stretch + rotation
    20 jumping jacks
    5 handwalks
    20 jumping jacks
    10 dynamic bridges

    b) 3 rounds
    30 sec on/10sec off
    crossover flutterkicks
    reverse plank hold
    alt v-ups

    amrap 5min
    20 mountain climbers
    5 push ups

    1min rest

    amrap 5min
    10 tuck jumps
    20 shoulder tabs

    1min rest

    amrap 5min
    30 jumping jacks
    20 plank ups

  • Mo 23. Mrz

    warm up
    a) 30sec on/10sec off
    sumo squat stretch
    jumping jacks
    hip flow with pop up
    alt twisted cross
    jumping jacks
    down dog and seal

    b) 3 rounds
    10 plank hip dips
    10 reverse snow angels

    for time
    buy in 50 burpees
    4 rounds
    25 squats
    25 sit ups
    buy out 50 buprees

    time cap 18min