• Mo 13. Jan

    HiLife Challenge DAY 8

    a) mobility 3min
    1:00 each
    lat stretch
    instep rotations
    samson stretch

    b) warm up 5min
    4 rounds
    20 single unders
    10 step back lunges
    5/5 db deadlifts

    c) front rack lunges 12min
    3 sets 12 front rack lunges (6/6)
    (build in weight)

    d) conditioning 12min
    amrap 12min
    6 db snatches (r) 22,5\15kg
    6 goblet reverse lunges
    6 db snatches (l)
    6 goblet reverse lunges
    30 double unders

    e) core 4min
    tabata (20sec. on / 10sec. off)
    side plank

    Skill Class 18:00
    dumbbell snatch

  • So 12. Jan

    HiLife Challenge DAY 7

    a) mobility 3min
    1:00 each
    samson stretch

    b) warm up 6min
    30sec on / 15sec off x2 rounds
    1. bike/ski
    2. hollow hold
    3. scap. pull up
    4. scap. push up

    c) conditioning 35min
    emom 35min (7 rounds)
    1. 8-15cal bike/ski
    2. 8-15 v-ups
    3. 8-15 ring rows/jumping pull ups
    4. 8-15 db push press
    5. rest

    Sunday Endurance for Open Gym

    vo2 max
    4 rounds
    4min echo bike @ rpe 7-8
    1min rest

  • Sa 11. Jan

    HiLife Challenge DAY 6

    a) mobility 3min
    1:00 each
    hand walk + push ups
    inverted hamstring stretch

    b) warm up 5min
    amrap 5min
    10 scap. push ups
    5 down ups
    10 good mornings

    *partner rows

    c) conditioning 34min
    4 rounds for time
    44 / 40 / 36 cal row
    44 burpees over the bar
    44 deadlifts 80/60kg

  • Fr 10. Jan

    HiLife Challenge DAY 5

    a) mobility 3min
    1:00 each
    sumo squat stretch
    lat stretch
    instep rotation

    b) warm up 4min
    amrap 4min
    10 elbow rotations
    10 air squats
    10 ring rows

    c) front squat 14min
    3-5 sets 1 front squat
    (~89% of 1rm across)

    d) conditioning 12min
    for time
    45 front squats 60/45kg
    45 strict pull ups

    *partition however

    e) grip strength 4min
    accumulate a 3min bar hang

    * every time you come off the bar:
    4 burpee to target

  • Do 9. Jan

    HiLife Challenge DAY 4

    a) mobilty 4min
    1:00 each
    hand walk
    lat stretch
    instep rotation
    samson stretch

    b) warm up 4min
    amrap 4min
    10cal bike/ski
    10 kb deadlifts
    10cal ski/bike

    c) conditioning 29min
    3:30min on / 1:30min off x 6 rounds
    18/14cal bike/ski
    18 kb swings 24/16kg
    max. cal bike/ski

    d) core 4min
    tabata 20sec. on/ 10sec. off
    kb plank pull through

  • Mi 8. Jan

    HiLife Challenge DAY 3

    a) mobility 3min
    1:00 each
    sumo squat stretch
    calf stretch

    b) warm up 5min
    3 rounds
    12 air squats
    10 plank push usp
    8 medball presses

    c) bench press 15min
    3-5 sets 1 bench press
    (~89% of 1rm across)

    d) conditioning 15min
    on every 1:00 x 4 rounds
    1. hand release push ups
    2. box jumps 60/50cm
    3. wall balls 20/14lbs
    4. rest

    Skill Class 18:00
    skill: wall ball