• Do 23. Jan

    a) work up to a heavy complex
    power snatch + hang squat snatch

    b) emom 20 min
    1. 15 GHD hip extension
    2. 20m sled pull 80/60
    3. 40m waiters walk 25/15
    4. 5 wall climbs

    rx+ 100/80, 30/20

    a) 4 sets
    10 single arm db bench press/side
    10 single arm db row/side

    b) emom 20 min
    1. 20 sit ups
    2. 40m farmers carry
    3. 40m waiters walk
    4. 3 wall climbs

  • Mi 22. Jan

    a) backsquat
    5x5 @77,5% of 5rm

    b) amrap 12 min
    6 pull ups
    9 thruster 40/30
    12 burpees over the bar

    rx+ chest to bar, 50/35
    scaled jumping pull ups, 30/20

    a) 5 sets
    5 backsquats
    10 db romanien deadlift

    b) amrap 12 min
    6 pull ups
    9 thruster
    12 burpees over the bar

  • Di 21. Jan

    a) for time
    3 rounds
    250m row
    6 power clean (0,5 x bodyweight)
    12 box jump overs 60/50

    2 min rest

    3 rounds
    500m row
    12 deadlifts (bodyweight)
    21 box jumps 60/50

    compare to 09.10.2018

    rx+ power cleans (bodyweight)
    scaled deadlifts (0,75x/0,5xBW)

    a) 5 sets
    5 deadlifts
    10 alt step ups

    b) emom 20 min
    1. 12/10 sumo deadlift high pulls
    2. 15/10 cal row
    3. 15/10 box jumps

  • Mo 20. Jan

    a) emom 12 min
    even: 5 shoulder press 72%
    odd: 30 sec parallette l-sit hold
    scaled tuck-sit hold

    b) for time
    10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps
    db burpees 22,5/15
    toes to bar

    scaled 15/10

    a) emom 12 min
    even: 5 shoulder press
    ode: 30 sec parallette tuck sit hold

    b) for time
    10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps
    db burpees
    toes to bar

  • So 19. Jan

    a) 3 sets
    10 bulgarian split squats
    10 single leg db romanian deadlifts
    10 db turkish sit ups

    b) for time
    50,40,30,20,10 reps
    medball cleans
    wall ball push press

  • Sa 18. Jan

    in teams of two for total reps
    amrap 30min
    90 cal row
    60 ball slams 20/15
    30 synchro burpees
    90 cal bike
    60 slam ball lunges 20/15
    30 synchro burpees
    90 shuttle runs
    60 slam ball sit ups 20/!5
    30 synchro burpees