• Do 20. Okt

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    kneeling lat stretch
    samson stretch
    scapula pull ups

    b) warm up 6min
    2 rounds
    45sec on / 15sec off
    nose to wall handstand hold
    rope body rows
    step ups

    c) rope climb / handstand push ups 10min
    emom 10min
    1. 1-2 rope climbs / 6-12 chin ups
    2. 6-12 (strict) handstand push ups / 2-3 wall walks

    d) conditioning 20min
    3 rounds for time
    600m run
    40 single dumbbell box step ups 60/50
    20 single dumbbell hang power snatches

    dumbbell weight: 20/15

  • Mi 19. Okt

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    hip crossover
    samson stretch
    plank shoulder tap

    b) warm up 6min
    on the 2:00 x 3
    5 push ups
    10 sit ups
    remaining time row

    c) strict press 12min
    3-5 sets:
    1-3 reps @ 80-85%
    *3-4 sec isometric

    d) conditioning 18min
    for time
    2000m bike
    1000m row
    50 toes to bar

    *work in intervals of 2min on / 1min off,
    in any order

    e) holds (optional) 10min
    3-4 sets
    1min (weighted) front plank
    rest 1min between sets

  • Di 18. Okt

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    sumo squat stretch
    instep rotation stretch
    lat stretch on ball
    med ball squat hold

    b) warm up 5min
    10-8-6-4-2 reps
    medball deadlifts
    medball front squats
    medball strict press
    medball floor slams

    c) back squats 12min
    3-4 sets: 1-3 reps @ 80-85%
    *3-4 sec isometric

    d) conditioning 15min
    on the minute x 15
    1. 1 wall ball 9/6 + max burpees
    2. 2 wall balls 9/6 + max burpees
    3. 3 wall balls 9/6 + max burpees
    15.15 wall balls + max burpees

    e) hold (optional) 10min
    3-4 sets
    30-60sec reverse plank
    rest 1min between sets

  • Mo 17. Okt

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    bird dogs

    b) barbell warm up 5min
    2 rounds
    100m run
    5 good mornings
    5 back squats
    5 elbow rotations
    5 strict shoulder press
    5 romanian deadlifts
    5 front squats

    c) power clean 10min
    5 sets:
    3 power cleans @ 70-75%

    d) conditioning 20min
    amrap 20min
    1 power clean 80/60
    1 ring muscle ups
    100m run
    2 power clean 80/60
    2 ring muscle ups
    100m run
    2 power clean 80/60
    2 ring muscle ups
    100m run
    add 1 rep each round

  • So 16. Okt

    mobility 4min
    curtsy sqauts
    bird dogs

    warm up 4min
    1 round
    1:00 wall walks
    1:00 cal row
    1:00 kb deadlifts
    1:00 burpee step ups

    emom conditioning 35min
    emom 35min (7 rounds)
    1. 2-5 wall walks
    2. 10-15cal row
    3. 15-20 kb high pulls
    4. 5-10 burpees box jumps 50cm
    5. rest

  • Sa 15. Okt

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    partner shoulder stretch
    partner hip flexor stretch (each side)

    b) warm up 6min
    on every 90sec x 4
    1. 250/200m easy ski
    2. 10 push ups + 10 lunges +
    overhead hold in the remaning time

    c) team conditioning 30-35min
    in teams of 2
    for time
    60/50 cal ski
    120 push ups
    60/50 cal ski
    120 front rack lunges 40/30
    60/50 cal ski
    120 push press 40/30
    60/50 cal ski