Workout of the Day

Di 18. Okt

a) mobility 4min
1:00 each
sumo squat stretch
instep rotation stretch
lat stretch on ball
med ball squat hold

b) warm up 5min
10-8-6-4-2 reps
medball deadlifts
medball front squats
medball strict press
medball floor slams

c) back squats 12min
3-4 sets: 1-3 reps @ 80-85%
*3-4 sec isometric

d) conditioning 15min
on the minute x 15
1. 1 wall ball 9/6 + max burpees
2. 2 wall balls 9/6 + max burpees
3. 3 wall balls 9/6 + max burpees
15.15 wall balls + max burpees

e) hold (optional) 10min
3-4 sets
30-60sec reverse plank
rest 1min between sets


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