• Do 6. Feb

    amrap 24min
    21 burpees over the bar
    7 deadlifts (1,5x bodyweight)
    10 pull ups

    amrap 24min
    21 burpees over the bar
    7 deadlifts
    10 pull ups

  • Mi 5. Feb

    a) 4 supersets
    5 bench press @ 78%
    max clapping push ups
    rest 2min

    b) for time
    50/35cal ski
    40 kb swings 24/16
    60 kb single arm push press 24/16
    40 kb swings 24/16
    50/35cal bike

    rx+ 32/24
    scaled 20/12

    a) 4 sets
    5 bench press
    max hand release push ups

    b) emom 16 min
    1. 15/10cal row
    2. 20 kb swings
    3. 15/10cal bike
    4. 20 kb push press

  • Di 4. Feb

    a) 5 sets on every 3min
    5 strict pull ups
    10 nose to wall plate walks
    20-30sec hollow hold

    rx+ strict chest to bar pull ups
    scaled seated modification strict pull ups

    b) amrap 15min
    12 ball slams 20/15
    12 slam ball box step ups 60/50
    12 toes to bar

    scaled 15/10, knee raises

    a) emom15min
    1. 3-6 strict pull us
    2. 30sec nose to wall handstand hold
    3. 30sec hollow hold

    b) amrap 15min
    12 kb high pulls
    12 kb frontrack step ups
    12 toes to bar

  • Mo 3. Feb

    a) emom 10min
    even: 8-10 single leg db romanian deadlifts/side
    odd: 5-8 single arm db turkish sit ups/ side

    b) for time
    5 rounds
    20/15 cal row
    20 db hang clean & jerks 22,5/15
    20 alt db overhead lunges 22,5/15

    rx+ 30/20
    scaled 15/10, frontrack lunges,

    a) emom 10min
    even: 8-10 single leg db romanian deadlifts/side
    odd: 5-8 single arm db turkish sit ups/ side

    b) emom 15min
    1. 15/10cal row
    2. 20 db hang clean & jerks
    3. 16-20 alt db overhead lunges

  • So 2. Feb

    a) 3 sets
    8 kb bottom up press/side
    8 kb windmills/side
    8 kb single arm renegade row/side

    b) emom 20 min
    1. 3 wall climbs
    2. 15 swings
    3. 20 sit ups
    4. 10 burpees

  • Sa 1. Feb

    for time
    in teams of two
    buy in 30 synchronized burpees
    14 rounds
    as a relay
    12 db deadlifts 20/15
    9 db hang power cleans 20/15
    6 db frontsquats 20/15
    3 db push press 20/15
    buy out 30 synchronized burpees