• Di 13. Jul

    a) warm up 6min
    3 sets
    rope jumps
    down ups
    down dog & seal
    b) primer 8min
    3 sets
    8 scapula pull ups
    8 half kneeling single arm db shoulder press/side
    8 single arm db bent over row/side
    c) gymnastic skill 10min
    bar muscle up
    d) conditioning 18min
    100,80,60,40,20 reps
    double unders
    10,8,6,4,2 reps
    devils press 20/15
    5,4,3,2,1 reps
    bar muscle ups

    scale strict pull ups, single unders (x2)

  • Mo 12. Jul

    a) warm up 5min
    3 sets
    10 alt instep stretch + ratation
    10 kb deadlifts
    10 kb russian twist
    b) deadlift 16min
    6 sets
    4 deadlifts >75%
    c) conditioning 12min
    5 rounds
    for time
    12 swings 32/24
    21 box jumps 60/50

    scaled 24/16

  • Sa 10. Jul

    a) warm up
    400m run
    3 rounds
    teams of two
    as a relay
    10 step ups
    10 instep stretch + rotation
    b) conditioning
    for time
    600m run
    60 alt db snatches 22,5/15
    60 burpee box jump overs 60/50
    400m run
    40 alt db snatches 22,5/15
    40 burpee box jump overs 22,5/15
    200m run
    20 alt db snatches 22,5/15
    20 burpee box jump overs 60/50

  • Fr 9. Jul

    a) warm up 5min
    2 sets
    handwalk + push up
    sumo squat stretch
    b) primer 7min
    3 sets
    teams of two
    as a relay
    tempo benchpress 51X1
    side plank raises/side
    c) strength 14min
    1rm benchpress
    d) conditioning 12min
    4 rounds
    for time
    6 handstand push ups
    12 wall balls
    18/14cal row

    scale pike push ups

  • Do 8. Jul

    a) warm up 6min
    400m run
    3 rounds
    5 down ups
    10 alt instep stretch + rotation
    10 hollow rocks
    b) gymnastic strength 10min
    amrap 10min
    2-4-6-8-10 reps
    toes to bar
    15sec l-sit b/w sets
    c) conditioning 18min
    3 rounds
    for total reps
    amrap 3min
    200m run
    10 burpees
    max cal bike
    3min rest

  • Mi 7. Jul

    a) warm up 5min
    amrap 5min
    teams of two
    as a relay
    12/8cal ski
    10 sumo squat stretch
    b) primer 6min
    3 sets
    16 alt cossack squats
    16 alt single leg v-ups
    c) strength 16min
    1rm backsquat
    d) conditioning 10min
    emom 10min
    1. 5 frontsquats 70/50
    2. 15/10cal ski

    scale 50/35, 12/8cal