• Do 23. Dez

    myleo´s 12 days of christmas

    for time
    1 wall climb
    2 thrusters 50/35
    3 hang power cleans
    4 deadlifts
    5 toes to bar
    6 box jump overs
    7 hand release push ups
    8 pull ups
    9 shoulder to overhead
    10 front rack lunges
    11 burpees over the bar
    12 clusters

    workout flow

  • Mi 22. Dez

    a) mobility 3min
    1min warrior squats
    1min jefferson curls (empty bar)
    1min forearm stretch

    b) specific warm up 10min
    clean warm up

    c) power clean 10min
    work up to a moderate / heavy double within 10min

    d) conditioning 15min
    12 rounds for time
    9 air squats
    6 push ups
    3 deadlifts 100/70

  • Di 21. Dez

    a) mobility 4min
    1min handwalk
    1min down dog & seal
    1min alt calf stretches
    1min reverse snow angels

    b) skills 10min
    emom 10min
    1. ski
    2. handstand walk

    c) pressing strength 10min
    8-8-8-8+ strict press

    d) conditioning 10min
    amrap 10min
    1,2,3,4, etc.
    burpee box jump
    push jerks 50/35

  • Mo 20. Dez

    a) mobility 3min
    1min pass throughts
    1min lat stretch on dowel
    1min dowel overhead squats

    b) specific warm up 10min
    snatch warm up

    c) oly complex 10min
    work up to a heavy complex of
    power snatch + overhead squats

    d) conditioning 15min
    for time
    21,15,9 reps
    overhead squats 40/30
    pull ups


    12, 9, 6 reps
    power snatch 40/30
    chest to bar pull ups