• Sa. 29. Feb.

    in teams of two for max reps
    as a relay
    amrap 8min
    10 alt db snatches 20/15
    10 hand release push ups

    2min rest

    amrap 8min
    10 single arm db push press 20/15
    5 strict pull ups

    2min rest

    amrap 8min
    10 alt db overhead lunges 20/15
    20 sit ups

  • Fr. 28. Feb.

    for time
    7 rounds
    15 kb swings 24/16
    15 power cleans 40/30
    15 box jumps 60/50

    compare to 22.07.2017

    scaled 20/12, 30/20

    a) 20 turkish get ups

    b) for time
    7 rounds
    15 kb swings
    15 kb high pulls
    15 box jumps

  • Do. 27. Feb.

    a) 3 sets
    5 bench press (heavy @81%)
    5 single arm db row/side

    b) for time
    80 double unders
    40 push jerks 40/30
    40 pull ups
    80 double unders
    20 push jerks 50/35
    20 chest to bar pull ups
    80 double unders
    10 push jerks 60/40
    10 bar muscle ups

    scaled 30/20, 40/30, 50/35,
    ring rows, jumping pulls ups, pull ups,
    single unders (x2)

    a) 5 sets
    5 bench press
    10 single arm db row/side

    b) for time
    40 push press
    40 jumping pull ups
    100 double unders
    20 push press
    20 pull ups
    100 double unders
    10 push press
    10 chest to bar pull ups
    100 double unders

  • Mi. 26. Feb.

    a) deadlift 3/5
    5x3 @83% of 3rm

    b) amrap 12min
    buy in 1000/800m row
    max rounds in remaining time
    10 burpees over the erg
    10 ball slams 20/15

    a) 5 sets
    3 deadlifts
    max paralette tuck sit hold

    b) emom 15min
    1. 15/10cal row
    2. 12 burpees on plate
    3. 10 kb swings

  • Di. 25. Feb.

    a) emom 9min
    1.-3. 3 power snatches (climbing)
    4.-6. 2 power snatches (climbing)
    7.-9. 1 power snatch (climbing)

    b) for time
    80 box jump overs 60/50
    80 hang power snatches 35/25
    80 toes to bar
    *divide as needed

    scaled 25/15, knee raises

    a) emom 10min
    even: 10 alt db single leg deadlifts
    odd: 10 single arm db seated shoulder press/side

    b) for time
    80 box jump overs
    80 alt db snatches
    80 toes to bar
    *divide as needed

  • Mo. 24. Feb.

    a) 4 sets
    4 frontrack lunges (climbing)
    10m heavy reverse sled drag 80/60

    b) amrap 15min
    5 db power cleans 20/15
    10 alt db frontrack lunges 20/15
    20 shuttle runs

    scaled 15/10

    a) 4 sets
    4 frontrack lunges
    8m reverse plate throw

    b) amrap 15min
    5 db power cleans
    10 db frontrack lunges
    20 mountain climbers