• Mo 29. Jun

    a) movement prep
    amrap 5min
    30 single unders
    10 sumo squat stretch
    5 hand walk

    b) prehab
    2 rounds
    medball bottom of squat hold
    medball russian twist

    c) strength
    5 supersets on every 3min
    5 backsquats >75%
    10 medball jumping squats

    d) conditioning
    for time
    50 medball cleans 20/14
    50 double unders
    35 medball cleans 20/14
    50 double unders
    20 medball cleans 20/14
    50 double unders

    scaled 14/10, single unders (x2)

    time cap 12min

  • So 28. Jun

    a) movement prep
    2 rounds
    down ups
    samson stretch
    dynamic bridge

    b) prehab
    hollow hold
    arch hold

    c) strength
    3 sets
    10 db split squat/side
    10 db split stance deadlifts/side
    10 db hollow hold pull downs

    d) condiitioning
    emom 20min
    1. 18 db hang clean & jerks
    2. 12 v-ups
    3. 18 db overhead lunges
    4. 12 burpees

  • Sa 27. Jun

    "a) movement prep
    2 rounds
    elbow instep stretch + rotation

    b) prehab
    3 rounds
    star plank hold/side
    hollow rocks

    c) conditioning
    for time
    1000/800m row
    50 push ups
    50 swings 24/16
    50 box jump overs 60/50
    500/400m row
    25 push ups
    25 swings 24/16
    25 box jump overs 60/50

    scaled kneeling push ups

    time cap 22min

  • Fr 26. Jun

    a) movement prep
    2 rounds
    jumping jacks
    sumo squat stretch
    jefferson curl

    b) prehab
    3 rounds
    plank open ups
    reverse snow angels
    marching plank

    c) strength
    6 sets on every 2min
    power clean + 2 frontsquats (climbing)

    d) conditioning
    21,15,9 reps
    for time
    deadlifts 60/45
    frontsquats 60/45
    chest to bar pull ups

    scaled 40/30, pull ups, ring rows

    time cap 10min

  • Do 25. Jun

    a) movement prep
    2 rounds
    handwalk + push up

    b) prehab
    2 rounds
    banded face pulls
    banded pull downs
    banded side rotations

    c) strength
    emom 12min
    even: 5-7 chin ups
    odd: 14 weighted sit ups

    d) conditioning
    amrap 6min
    12/10cal bike
    10 alt db snatches 22,5/15

    2min rest

    amrap 6min
    12/10cal ski
    6 single arm devils press 22,5/15

  • Mi 24. Jun

    a) movement prep
    2 rounds
    elbow instep stretch + rotation

    b) prehab
    3 rounds
    hollow hold
    reverse plank hold
    flutter kicks

    c) conditioning
    "Rogue invitationals Event 5"
    for time
    40/30cal row
    30 double db squat cleans 20/15
    20 weighted box step ups 60/50
    40 strict handstand push ups
    20 weighted box step ups 60/50
    30 double db squat cleans 20/15
    40/30cal row

    scaled seated db press, 15/10

    time cap 25min