• Sa 9. Jan

    a) movement prep
    amrap 5min
    10 down ups
    10 samson stretch
    10 hollow rocks
    10 sumo squat stretch

    b) conditioning
    amrap 10min
    20 weighted step ups
    10 alt single arm devils press

    2min rest

    amrap 10min
    20 single arm db frontsquats
    10 reverse burpees

    no equipment step ups, burpees, squats

  • Fr 8. Jan

    a) movement prep
    3 rounds
    25 jumping jacks
    5 sumo squat stretch

    b) strength
    4 sets
    5-10 goblet squats (5sec hold in bottom)
    10-20 hollow rocks

    c) conditioning
    for time
    21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps
    single arm db thruster

    no equipment squats

  • Do 7. Jan

    a) movement prep
    amrap 3min
    10 step ups
    5 handwalks

    b) strength
    2 sets
    bulagarian split squats/side
    side plank hold/side

    c) conditioning
    10-20-30-20-10 reps
    for time
    kb/db swings
    step ups

    no equipment down ups

  • Mi 6. Jan

    a) movement prep
    2 rounds
    down ups
    instep stretch + rotations

    b) strength
    emom 10min
    1. 12 alt db/kb single leg rom deadlifts
    2. 12 alt db/kb renegade row

    no equipment alt single leg rom deadlift, alt side rotation in push up position

    c) conditioning
    amrap 15min
    20 alt db snatches
    10 burpees over db

    no equipment squats, burpees

  • Di 5. Jan

    a) movement prep
    2 rounds
    jumping jacks
    handwalk + push ups

    b) strength
    3 sets
    top of push up hold
    bottom of push up hold
    reverse plank hold

    c) conditioning
    5 rounds
    for time
    10 single arm db/kb push press/side
    20 sit ups
    30 jumping jacks

    no equipment HR push ups

  • Mo 4. Jan

    a) movement prep
    2 rounds
    down ups
    samson stretch

    b) strength
    3 sets
    alt db/kb reverse lunge to deadlift
    db/kb russian twist

    no equipment reverse lunges to deadlift without kb/db
    hollow hold

    c) conditioning
    amrap 14min
    14 db/kb swings
    14 burpees

    no equipment squats