• So 27. Feb

    a) mobility 3min
    1min each
    pass through
    (marching) plank

    b) warm up 6min
    2 rounds
    1:00 sit ups
    1:00 push ups
    1:00 bike

    c) conditioning 30min
    emom 30min (6 rounds)
    1. 15-20 wall ball sit ups
    2. 15-20 db push presses
    3. 10-15cal bike
    4. kb high pull
    5. rest

  • Sa 26. Feb

    a) mobility
    1min each
    samson stretches
    toe touches
    bid dogs

    b) warm up 6min
    2 rounds each (teams of 2)
    10 alternating db deadlifts
    10 alternating goblet lunges
    partner runs 200m

    c) team conditioning
    amrap 30min
    40 db snatch 20/15
    40 db oh lunges
    400m run with db

  • Fr 25. Feb

    a) mobility 5min
    ROM drills

    b) clean & jerk warm up 5-10min

    c) clean & jerk 10min
    buld to a heavy 1rep clean and jerk

    d) conditioning 20min
    amrap 20min
    50 wall balls 9/6
    40 box jumps 60/50
    30 toes to bar
    20 clean & jerks 50kg
    10 burpee pull ups / muscle ups

  • Do 24. Feb

    a) mobility 4min
    1min each
    sumo squat stretch
    lateral squat stretch
    sasmon stretch
    glute bridges

    b) warm up 4min
    1 rounds
    1:00 ski
    1:00 back squats (empty bar)
    1:00 db ball deadlift
    1:00 bike

    back squats 20min
    1. build to a heavy 1rep back squat
    2. 3 x 4 back squats @ 80-85%

    conditioning 15min
    4 rounds for reps
    1:00 max cal ski
    1:00 max ball slams
    1:00 max cal bike
    1:00 rest

  • Mi 23. Feb

    a) mobility 5min
    1min each
    instep rotation stretch
    kneeling lat stretch
    down dog and seal
    alt calf stretch
    alt bird dogs

    b) warm up 6min
    2 rounds for quality
    45sec work / 15sec rest
    rope rows
    box step overs 60/50
    banded good mornings

    c) rope climbs 10min
    10-15 rope climbs

    d) conditioning 12min
    10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep
    deadlift 100/70
    burpee box jump overs 60/50

  • Di 22. Feb

    a) mobility 4min
    1min each
    hand walk + push ups
    samsions stretch
    reverse snowangels

    b) warm up 6min
    2 rounds of
    45sec work / 15 sec rest
    hand release push ups
    barbell overhead hold (empty bar)

    c) strict press 15min
    1. build to a heavy 1rep press
    2. 3 x 3 @ 85%

    d) conditioning 15min
    amrap 15min
    100m row
    1 wall walk
    200m row
    2 wall walk
    300m row
    3 wall walk