• Mo 21. Feb

    a) mobility 5min
    1-2min foam rolling quads
    1min lat stretch on foamroller
    1min warrior squats
    1min hip circles (30sec each side)

    b) warm up 5min
    12,9,6 reps for quality
    front squat
    push press
    ring rows

    c) thruster 15min
    1. build to a heavy set of 7
    2. build to a heavy set of 5
    3. build to a heavy set of 3

    d) benchmark conditioning 10min
    21,15,9 reps for time
    pull ups

    compare to 25.11.19

  • So 20. Feb

    a) mobility 4min
    1min each
    samson stretch
    scapula push ups
    bird dogs

    b) warm up 6min
    2 rounds
    1min each
    banded good mornings
    machine of choice

    c) conditioning 32min
    emom 32min (8 x)
    1. 3-5 wall walks
    2. 10-15cal ski
    2. 15-20 db snatch
    3. 10-15 cal row
    4. rest

  • Sa 19. Feb

    a) mobility 3min
    1min each
    calf stretch

    warm up 5min
    in teams of 2
    2 rounds
    4 muscle cleans
    8 push ups
    12 box step ups
    partner does bike

    team conditioning 35min
    in teams of 2
    for time

    10 rounds
    4 power cleans 60/40
    8 hand release push ups
    12 box jumps


    120/100cal bike


    1 round
    40 power cleans 60/(40
    80 hand release push ups
    120 box jumps

  • Fr 18. Feb

    a) mobility 3min
    1min each
    dowel lat stretch
    pass through
    overhead squat

    b) snatch warm and priming 10-15min
    3 x 3 tall snatch

    c) snatch 10min
    build to a heavy snatch

    d) conditioning 15min
    21,15,9 reps for time
    overhead squat 50/35
    chest to bar pull ups


    45 bar facing burpee

  • Do 17. Feb

    a) mobility 5min
    1min each
    pass through
    lat stretch on dowel
    dowel front rack stretch
    prone behind the neck press
    sasmon stretch

    b) specific jerk warm up 5min

    c) split jerk 10min
    build to a heavy set of 2 reps split jerk

    d) conditioning 25min
    50,40,30,20,10 reps for time
    front rack reverse lunges 40/30
    abmat sit ups
    cal row

  • Mi 16. Feb

    a) mobility 5min
    1min each
    foamrolling back
    inverted hamstring stretch
    90/90 stretch
    bird dogs

    b) warm up 5min
    2 roudns
    30 rope jumps
    12 deadlfits (empty bar)
    9 tall muslce cleans
    6 shoulder press

    c) deadlift 15min
    build to a heavy 3 rep deadlift

    d) conditioning 15min
    5 rounds for time
    9 double dumbbell push jerks 20/15
    12 double dumbbell hang power cleans 20/15
    15 double dumbbell deadlifts 20/15
    45 double unders

    1min rest