• Do 13. Apr

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    instep rotation
    sumo squat stretch
    hand walk
    reverse snow angels

    b) warm up 5min
    3 rounds
    10 cal row
    5 front squats (empty bar)
    5 press
    5 thrusters

    c) strict press 12min
    4 sets of 12 reps @ 60%

    d) conditioning 15min
    5 rounds for time
    20/15cal row
    10 thrusters 50/35

  • Mi 12. Apr

    a) mobility & warm up 6min
    line drills

    b) clean & jerk 10min
    on every 2min for 5 sets
    3 clean & jerks
    start at > 70% and increase weight on each set

    c) conditioning 19min
    4 rounds x amrap 4min
    12 power cleans 60/40
    400m run
    max ring muscle ups / (chest to bar) pull ups

    1min rest

  • Di 11. Apr

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    sumo squat strech
    cossack squats
    down dog and seal
    hip circles

    b) warm up 5min
    1 round
    50 single unders
    10 sit ups
    10 air squats
    20sec squat hold
    50 single unders
    10 sit ups
    10 back squats (empty bar)
    20sec back squat hold

    c) back squat 15min
    6 sets:

    start at 50% and build from there.
    rest 1-2 min between sets.

    d) conditioning 15min
    amrap 15min
    60 double unders
    30 wall balls 9/6
    15 toes to bar

  • Sa 8. Apr

    a) mobility 3min
    1:00 each
    instep rotation
    sumo squat stretch

    b) warm up 6min
    3 rounds (each)
    A: bike (increasing pace each round)
    B: 1 round
    5 ring rows
    10 push ups
    15 squats

    c) conditioning 30min
    in teams of 2
    amrap 30min
    5 pull ups
    10 push ups
    15 squats

    every 5min (starting at 0:00):
    1000/800m bike