• So 29. Nov

    a) movement prep
    3 rounds
    alt calf stretch

    b) skill: double unders
    uncle jumps
    single unders
    higher uncle jumps
    penguin jumps
    practice double unders or penguin jumps

    c) conditioning
    amrap 12min
    40 jumping jacks
    20 burpees

  • Sa 28. Nov

    a) movement prep
    hollow hold
    samson stretch

    b) conditioning
    for time
    1000 step ups 50
    wear a backrack or a weighted vest

    compare to 13.04.2020

  • Fr 27. Nov

    a) movement prep
    2 rounds
    jumping jacks
    samson stretch

    b) strength (only zoom)
    hollow hold
    arch hold

    c) conditioning
    20 rounds
    for time
    8 sit ups
    10 lunges

    Post your score to comments and win an Outdoor PT with Coach Mike!

  • Do 26. Nov

    a) movement prep
    2 rounds
    down ups
    sumo squat stretch

    b) strength (only zoom)
    3 sets
    10 pause squats @22X1
    30sec rest

    c) conditioning
    2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 reps
    40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4 reps

    Post your score to comments and win an Outdoor PT with Coach Anna!

  • Mi 25. Nov

    a) movement prep
    handwalk + push ups
    instep stretch + rotation

    b) strength (only zoom)
    3 rounds
    10 box/chair supported strict hspu
    30sec hollow hold

    c) conditioning
    50-40-30-20-10 reps
    for time
    hand release push ups
    step ups

    Post your score to comments and win an Outdoor PT with Coach Aurelia!

  • Di 24. Nov

    a) movement prep
    2 rounds
    mountain climbers
    down dog & seal
    hip crossover

    b) strength (only zoom)
    3 rounds
    alt bird dog
    arch hold
    plank hold

    c) conditioning
    amrap 14min
    20 sit ups
    10 reverse snow angels
    30 mountain climbers

    Post your score to comments and win an Outdoor PT with Coach Cedric!