• Do 7. Okt

    a) warm up 5min
    amrap 5min
    30 rope jumps
    5 down dog & seal
    5 barbell good mornings (unloaded bar)
    b) strenght 12min
    work up to a heavy power snatch
    c) conditioning 14min
    amrap 14min
    28 double unders
    18 sit ups
    8 hang power snatch 40/30

    scale single unders (x2), 30/20

  • Mi 6. Okt

    a) warm up 6min
    2 rounds
    200m run
    10 sumo squat stretch
    10 ring rows
    b) conditioning 30min
    3 rounds
    for time
    30 squat cleans 40/30
    30 pull ups
    800m run

  • Di 5. Okt

    a) warm up 6min
    3 sets
    down ups
    twisted cross
    b) strenght 10min
    3 sets
    6 half kneeling arnold press/side 15/10
    60sec rest
    10 bird dow row/side 15/10
    60sec rest
    c) conditioning 18min
    emom 18min
    1. 8 single arm db devils press 25/15
    2. 8 db box step overs 60/50
    3. 15/10cal bike

  • Mo 4. Okt

    a) warm up 5min
    3 rounds
    5 handwalk + push ups
    15/10cal row
    b) strenght 16min
    5 sets
    6 benchpress (climbing)
    12 plate lateral flys
    c) conditioning 14min
    5 rounds
    for time
    10 handstand push ups
    20/15cal row

    scale box supported handstand push ups, seated double db shoulder press

  • Sa 2. Okt

    a) warm up 5min
    amrap 5min
    5 handwalk + push ups
    5 ring rows
    10 samson stretch
    b) conditioning 30min
    amrap 30min
    in teams of two
    100 alt db snatches 20/15
    50 pull ups
    100 weighted sit ups 20/15
    50 handstand push ups
    100 single arm overhead lunges 20/15

  • Fr 1. Okt

    a) warm up 6min
    10-8-6-4-2 reps
    alt step ups
    wall squats
    kb deadlifts 24/16
    b) conditioning 35min
    50-40-30-20-10 reps
    for time
    wall balls 20/14
    box jumps 60/50
    swings 24/16