• Sun 19. Jun

    a) mobility 4min
    1min each
    30s hollow hold

    b) warm up 4min
    1 round
    1min jumping in to dip support
    1min bike (cal)
    1min db hang snatch
    1min row

    conditioing 35min
    emom 35min (7 rounds)
    1. 15-30sec dip support hold
    2. 10-15cal bike
    3. 5-10 devils press
    4. 10-15cal row
    5. rest

  • Sat 18. Jun

    a) mobility 6min
    in teams of 2
    1-2min each
    squat stretch with plate
    partner shoulder stretch 1
    partner shouder stretch 2

    b) warm up 5min
    in teams of 2
    1 round each
    A: 100m easy run
    B: 10 shoulder press + front squat hold*
    A: 100m easy run
    B: 10 front squat + overhead hold*

    *until partner return from running

    c) team conditioning 35min
    in teams of 2
    50-40-30-20-10 reps for time
    shoulder to overhead 40/30
    front squats
    *400m run after each round

  • Fri 17. Jun

    a) mobility 5min
    ROM drills

    b) clean warm up 10min

    c) clean complex 12min
    build to heavy complex
    1 power clean
    1 squat clean

    d) conditioning 16min
    3 rounds x amrap 4min
    27/21 cal row
    21 power cleans
    15 burpee box jump overs 60/50

    2min rest between rounds

    round 1: 50/35
    round 2: 40/30
    rond 3: 30/25

  • Thu 16. Jun

    a) mobility
    1min each
    down dog to seal
    kneeling lat stretch
    plank hold

    b) warm up 5min
    for quality
    100m run
    10 shoulder press
    10 straigt leg sit ups
    100m run
    10 ring rows

    c) push press 12min
    for total load
    5 sets of 5

    d) conditioning 16min
    amrap 16min
    100m run
    max unbroken toes to bar
    100m run
    max bar muscle ups / pull ups

  • Wed 15. Jun

    a) mobility
    1min each
    pass throughs
    sasmon stretch
    warrior squats
    dowel overhead squats

    b) snatch / overhead squat warm up 10min

    c) overhead squats 12min
    for total load
    5 sets of 5

    d) conditioning 20min
    every 4 min until 75 reps
    500/400m row
    15 overhead squats 30/20
    max power snatches 30/20

  • Tue 14. Jun

    a) mobility
    1min each
    table top bridge
    calf stretches
    rower pike ups

    b) warm up 6min
    for quality
    100m run
    50 single unders
    10 push ups / kneeling push ups
    100m run
    20 single unders
    10 pike push ups / push ups
    100m run
    20 single unders
    10sec n2w handstand hold

    c) handtand walk 10min
    3 rounds
    20 n2w shoulder taps
    10 kick ups (free / against wall)
    5-10m handstand walk / 1 handstand walk around the box

    b) conditioning 20min
    for time
    1000m run
    100 double unders
    50 hanstand push ups
    100 double unders
    1000m run