• Fri 1. Jul

    a) mobility 3min
    1min each
    instep rotations

    b) warm up 3min
    for quality
    1:00 bike
    1:00 burpees
    1:00 tall muscle cleans

    c) conditioning 25min
    for time
    5 rounds
    15/12 bike
    10 burpees

    5min rest

    5 rounds
    10 power cleans 60/40
    10 burpees

    d) accessory 8min
    2-3 sets
    8-12 barbell roll outs
    30-60s side plank / side

  • Thu 30. Jun

    a) mobility 4min
    1min each
    warrior squat
    samson stretch
    front rack stretch
    birg dogs

    b) warm up 5min
    for quality
    1 round
    10 squats
    10 lunges
    10 ring rows
    2 rounds
    5 front squats
    5 front rack lunges (empty bar)
    5 pull ups / ring rows

    c) front squats 15min
    for total load
    5 sets of 4

    d) conditioning 15min
    for time
    40 back rack lunges 40/30
    35 pull ups
    30 front rack lunges 40/30
    25 chest to bar pull ups
    20 overhead lunges 40/30
    15 bar muscle ups

  • Wed 29. Jun

    a) mobility 4min
    1min each
    90/90 stretch
    instep rotation streetch
    down dog and seal
    glute bridges

    b) warm up 5min
    for quality
    100m run
    12 deadlifts (empty bar)
    100m run
    9 deadlifts 40/30
    100m run
    6 deadlifts 60/40

    c) no touch deadlifts 15min
    for total load
    5 sets of 4

    d) conditioning 15min
    for time
    deadlifts 100/70
    200m run
    db push jerks 20/15
    200m run

  • Tue 28. Jun

    a) mobility 4min
    1min each
    calf stretches
    hip crossovers
    sacpula push ups

    b) warm up 4min
    in teams of 2
    2 rounds each
    A/B 1:00 rope jumps
    B/A: max bench press (empty bar)
    A/B: 0:30 rope jumps
    A/B: max bench press 40/25

    c) bench press 12min
    for total load
    5 sets of 4

    d) conditioning 18min
    amrap 18min
    40 double unders
    20 sit ups
    10 push ups

  • Mon 27. Jun

    a) mobility 3min
    1min each
    samson stretch
    sumo squat stretch
    kneeling lat stretch

    b) warm up 5min
    2 rounds for quality
    15/12 cal row
    10 sqauts
    5 ring rows / pull ups

    c) weighted pull ups 10min
    for total load
    5 sets of 4

    d) conditioning 25min
    8 rounds for time
    15/12 cal row
    15 wall balls
    rest 1:00 between rounds

  • Sun 26. Jun

    a) mobility 4min
    1min each
    hop cross overs
    samson stretch
    lat stretch in rings
    plank hold

    b) warm up 4min
    1 round
    1min row
    1min sit ups
    1min step ups
    1min ring rows

    c) conditioning 35min
    emom 35min (7 rounds)
    1. cal row
    2. sit up
    3. db step ups 50cm
    4. ring rows
    5. rest