• Mon 13. Jun

    a) mobility 4min
    1mn each
    90/90 stretch
    samson stretch
    sumo squat stretch
    superman swimmer kicks

    b) warm up 5min
    amrap 5min
    5 deadlift (empty bar)
    5 burpees
    5 air squats

    c) deadstop deadlifts 15min
    for total load
    5 sets of 5

    d) conditioning 15min
    amrap 15min
    deadlifts 100/70
    burpee pull ups
    db thrusters 20/15

    *add 1 rep every round

  • Sun 12. Jun

    a) mobility 4min
    1min each
    samson stretch
    curtsey squats
    handwalk + push up

    b) warm up 4min
    1 round for quality
    1min lunges
    1min db deadlifts
    1min push ups
    1min row

    c) conditioning 30min
    emom 30min
    1. 14-20 jumping lunges
    2. 10-15 db cleans
    3. 10-15 hand release push ups
    4. 10-15 row
    5. rest

  • Sat 11. Jun

    a) mobility 3min
    1min each
    sumo squat stretch
    instep rotation stretch
    kneeling lat stretch

    b) warm up 5min
    in teams of 2
    2 rounds each
    5 ring rows / pull ups
    10 med ball squat + squat hold until partner finished ski

    partner does
    15/12cal ski

    c) team conditioning
    on the 4:00 x 10
    10 strict pull ups
    30 wall balls 9/6
    max cal ski

  • Fri 10. Jun

    a) mobility 4min
    1min each
    samson stretch
    down dog and seal
    scapula push ups

    b) warm up 5min
    2 rounds
    200m run
    15 straight leg sit ups
    10 push ups

    c) bench press 15min
    for total laod
    5 sets of 5

    conditioning 18min
    on the 3:00 x 6
    400m run
    1 unbroken set toes to bar

    score is total reps

  • Thu 9. Jun

    a) mobility 4min
    2min each
    handwalks + scorpions
    instep rotation + half front split

    b) warm up
    in teams of 2
    2 rounds each
    5 db burpee deadlifts 20/15
    5 step overs
    partner does
    500m bike

    c) long conditioning 32min
    8 rounds for total reps

    amrap 2min
    max cal bike

    amrap 2min
    30 db snatches 20/15
    15 burpee box jump overs

    *pick up where you left off

  • Wed 8. Jun

    a) mobility 4min
    1min each
    warrior squats
    lateral squat stretch
    calf stretch
    lat stretch

    b) warm up 4min
    for quality
    100 single unders
    20 air squats
    50 single unders
    10 front squats (empty bar)

    c) front squat 15min
    for total load
    5 sets of 5

    d) conditioning 18min
    amrap 18min
    500m row
    30 push press 40/30
    100 double unders
    500m row
    30 front squats
    100 double unders
    500m row
    30 thrusters
    100 double unders