• Fri 8. Jul

    a) mobility 4min
    warrior squats
    barbell ankle stretch
    kneeling lat stretch
    plank shoulder taps

    b) warm up 4min
    2 rounds
    15/12 cal row
    5 thrusters (empty bar)
    5 ring rows (1st) scapula pull ups (2nd)
    5 burpees

    c) conditioning 30min
    on the 2:00 x 15
    15/12 cal row
    7 thrusters 35/25
    7 pull ups
    7 burpees

  • Thu 7. Jul

    a) mobility / warm up 5min
    line drills

    b) long conditioning 35min
    6 rounds for toptal reps
    1:00 abmat sit ups
    1:00 farmers carry 20/15 (10m)
    1:00 walking lunges (10m)
    1:00 shuttle runs (10m)
    1:00 box jumps 60/50
    1:00 rest

  • Wed 6. Jul

    a) mobility / warm up 4min
    1:00min each
    handwalks + push ups
    rower pike ups

    b) push press 12min
    for total load
    5 sets of 4

    c) conditioning 18min
    amrap 6min
    60 deadlifts 50/35
    max cal row


    amrap 6min
    45 hang power cleans 50/35
    max cal row


    amrap 6min
    30 shoulder to overhead 50/35
    max cal row

  • Tue 5. Jul

    a) mobility / warm up 5min
    1:00 shuttle run (10m)
    10m samson stretches
    1:00 shuttle run
    10m handwalks
    1:00 shutlle run
    10 scapula retractions

    b) weighted chin ups 10min
    for total load
    5 sets of 4

    c) conditioning 25min
    10 rounds for time
    5 strict pull ups
    10 hr push ups
    200m run


  • Mon 4. Jul

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00min each
    pass throughs
    dowel good mornings
    leg swings (30s each)
    overhead squats

    b) warm up 5min
    3 rounds for quality
    5 overhead squats (empty bar)
    5 good mornings
    50 single unders

    c) overhead squats 15min
    for total load
    5 sets of 4

    d) conditioning 15min
    amrap 15min
    15 overhead squats 40/30
    30 db hang power snatches 20/15*
    60 double unders

    *switch arms every 5 reps

  • Sun 3. Jul

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    cat cow
    instep rotation

    b) warm up 4min
    1 round
    1:00 bike
    1:00 kb deadlifts
    1:00 ski
    dip support hold (until failure)

    c) conditioning 35min
    emom 35min (7rounds)
    1. cal bike
    2. kb high pull 32/24
    3. cal ski
    4. (ring) dip