Sa. 8. März
Happy International Women's Day
"I'm sometimes asked "When will there be enough (women on the Surpreme Court)?" and my answer is: "When there are nine". People are shocked. But there'd been nine men and nobody's raised a question about that."
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
a) mobility 3min
1:00 each
samson stretch
calf stretch
b) warm up 6min
30sec on / 15sec off x2 rounds
1. kb deadlifts
2. ring rows
3. box step ups
4. medball thruster
c) conditioning 60min
"Eva meets Kelly"
in teams of 2
for time
5 rounds
400m partner run
30 kb swings 32/24kg
30 pull ups
400m partner run
30 box jumps 60/50cm
30 wall balls 20/14lbs