Workout of the Day

Fr 13. Dez

a) mobility 3min
1:00 each
sumo squat stretch
instep rotation
samson stretch

b) warm up 4min
amrap 4min
8 air squats
8 burpees
8 straight leg sit ups

c) back squat 15min
3-5 sets 1 back squat
~89% 1rm across

d) conditioning 16min
3 rounds
9 thrusters 40/30kg
9 toes to bar

21 burpees over bar

3 rounds
7 thrusters
7 toes to bar

21 burpees over bar

3 rounds
5 thrusters
5 toes to bar


  • Stéphane Venne

    15:14 Rx

    13. Dezember 2024, 13:15