Workout of the Day

Do 31. Okt


a) mobility 4min
1:00 each
samson stretch
hand walk
elbow instep rotation
calf stretch

b) warm up 4min
tabata (8 intervals)
hollow rocks / hold
arch rocks / hold

c) "Gruntwork from Hell(oween)" 33min
in teams of 2
for total reps

amrap 5min
wall walks

2min rest

amrap 5min
sled push 80/60kg

2min rest

amrap 5min
reverse sled drag 80/60kg

2min rest

amrap 5min
double kb front rack carry 24/16kg

2min rest

amrap 5min
db farmer carry 25/20kg


  • Stéphane Venne

    99 RX except for the sleds...

    31. Oktober 2024, 09:54