Workout of the Day

Fr 19. Apr

a) mobility 3min
1:00 each
sumo squat stretch
kneeling lat stretch
calf stretch

b) warm up 5min
3 rounds
10 air squats
30 single unders
10 ring rows

c) front squat + pull up 15min
max unbroken front squats @ 80%

to technical failure

3-4 sets
5-10 strict pull ups

d) conditioning 15min
for time
21 pull ups
42 double unders
21 front squats 50/35 kg
42 double unders
18 pull ups
36 double unders
18 front squats
36 double unders
15 pull ups
30 double unders
15 front squats
30 double unders


  • Bisher hat noch niemand einen Score veröffentlicht.