Workout of the Day

Mi 21. Feb

a) mobility 3min
1:00 each
elbow instep rotation
hand walk + push up
kneeling lat stretch

b) warm up 5min
ring rows
db deadlifts

c) bench press + pull up 14min
3 sets
1 bench press *
3 weighted pull ups**

*start at 85% and build
** heavier than last week

d) conditioning 18min
amrap 3min
20 burpee pull ups
max single db clean & jerks 25/20kg

2min rest

amrap 3min
20 single db clean & jerks 25/20kg
max burpee pull ups

2min rest

amrap 3min
20 db snatches 25/20kg
max target burpees

2 min rest

amrap 3min
20 target burpees
max db snatches 25/20kg


  • Stéphane

    72 @20kg

    23. Februar 2024, 10:54