Workout of the Day

Di 21. Nov

a) mobility 3min
1:00 each
samson stretch
hand walk

b) warm up 4min
on every 2:00 x 2
10 shuttle runs
10 push ups
remaining time hollow hold

c) bench press 12min
5x2 bench press @ 85-90%

heavier than last week.

d) conditioning 18min
for time
80 sit ups
400m farmers carry 20/15kg
20 shuttle runs (2x7,5m)
40 sit ups
200m farmers carry
20 shuttle runs
20 sit ups
100m farmers carry
20 shuttle runs


  • Stephane

    17:42 (RX)
    Also did 80kg bench press (a new PR)

    21. November 2023, 10:05