Workout of the Day

Mi 1. Nov

a) mobility 4min
1:00 each
down dog to seal
sumo squat stretch
calf stretch

b) warm up 4min
amrap 4min
buy in:
12 sit ups
30 single unders
amrap of:
3 good mornings
6 push ups
9 air squats

c) conditioning 24min
amrap 4 min x 5
12 toes to bar
60 double unders
max rounds of "The Chief"

1 min rest

"The Chief":
3 power cleans 60/40kg
6 push ups
9 air squats

d) midline 4min
"Bring Sally Up" Ab Challenge


  • Stéphane

    17+3 60kg Single Under... Almost died.
    Sally was a tough cookie

    1. November 2023, 13:12