Workout of the Day

Do 26. Okt

a) mobility 3min
1:00 each
down dog to seal
sumo squat stretch
calf stretch

b) warm up 4min
1:00 row
1:00 air squats
1:00 single unders
1:00 sit ups

c) gymnastics strength 10min
emom 10min
1: 6-12 pistols
2. 15-30 sec L-Sit hold

d) conditioning 19min
3 rounds
amrap 5min
buy in: 50/35 cal row

max rounds
30 double unders
10 front squats 50/35 kg

2 min rest


  • Stéphane

    5 rounds 50kg, Single unders...

    30. Oktober 2023, 14:44