Workout of the Day

Mi 23. Aug

a) mobility 4min
1:00 each
samson stretch
elbow instep rotation
hand walk

b) warm up 5min
in teams of 2
amrap 5min
8 box step ups
10 db deadlifts
partner bikes or skis

c) conditioning 18min
amrap 8min
8 single dumbbell step ups 60/50
10 db snatches 20/15kg
12/10 cal bike

2min rest

amrap 8min
8 single dumbbell step ups 60/50
10 db snatches 20/15kg
12/10 cal ski

d) grunt work 9min
emom 9min
1: handstand hold
2: farmer carry 2x32/24kg
3: plank hold


  • Stéphane

    8+16 RX

    23. August 2023, 16:54