Workout of the Day

Di 27. Jun

a) mobility 3min
1:00 each
hand walk + push up
elbow instep rotation
kneeling lat stretch

b) warm up 5min
1:00 bike
1:00 db deadlifts
1:00 step ups
1:00 burpees
1:00 ski

c) push press 10min
build to a heavy set of 10

d) conditioning 22min
4 rounds for total reps
2 min bike calories
2 min max reps
2 min rest

round 1: alt. db snatches 20/15kg
round 2: box jump overs 60/50
round 3: handstand push ups
round 4: cal ski


  • Stéphane

    241 (RX) 261 (Sc)(Scaled the handstand push ups)

    27. Juni 2023, 14:55