Workout of the Day

Mi 15. Feb

a) mobiulity 4min
1:00 each
sumo squat stretch
instep rotation
kneeling lat stetch
squat hold

b) warm up 5min
3 rounds for quality
15 squats
10 ring rows
5 burpees

c) back squat 15min
build to a heavy single

d) conditioning 15min
amrap 15min
6-12-18-4-30 etc wall balls 9/6
3-6-9-12-15 etc burpee pull ups


  • Dario


    15. Februar 2023, 08:48
  • Stéphane


    15. Februar 2023, 11:37
  • Stéphane

    Personal record for backsquat (110kg)

    15. Februar 2023, 11:45