Workout of the Day

Mi 9. Nov

a) mobility 4min
1:00 each
dynamic pigeon
instep rotation stretch
table top bridge
bird dogs

b) warm up 5min
3-4 rounds
8 push ups
16 supermans
32 single unders

c) deadlift / strict ring dips 15min
3-5 supersets
A: 1-3 deadlifts @ 80-85%
B: 60-70% of unbroken strict ring dips*
*first set is unbroken for reps

d) conditioning 16min
amrap 16min
5 unbroken double unders
15 weighted sit ups 15/10
200/150m row
10 unbroken double unders
15 weighted sit ups 15/10
200/150m row

add 5 unbroken double unders each round


  • Stéphane

    8 (single unders)

    10. November 2022, 10:09