Workout of the Day

Di 9. Aug

a) mobility 4min
rom drills

b) clean warm up 5-10min

c) squat squat clean 12min
build to heavy squat clean

d) conditioning 18min
"Elizabeth Elevated"
21-15-9-9-9 reps for time
squat cleans 60/40
dips with support hold

during each round the dips must split into 3 sets with each beginning with a dip support hold. meaning, the first round will be a 7sec support hold then 7 dips, a second 7sec support hold then 7 dips and a third 7sec hold then 7 dips for a total of 21 reps. the round of 15 will be broken into 3 sets of 5sec hold with 5 dips, while the rounds of 9 will be broken into 3 sets of 3sec hold and dips.


  • Bisher hat noch niemand einen Score veröffentlicht.