Workout of the Day

Di 14. Jun

a) mobility
1min each
table top bridge
calf stretches
rower pike ups

b) warm up 6min
for quality
100m run
50 single unders
10 push ups / kneeling push ups
100m run
20 single unders
10 pike push ups / push ups
100m run
20 single unders
10sec n2w handstand hold

c) handtand walk 10min
3 rounds
20 n2w shoulder taps
10 kick ups (free / against wall)
5-10m handstand walk / 1 handstand walk around the box

b) conditioning 20min
for time
1000m run
100 double unders
50 hanstand push ups
100 double unders
1000m run


  • Bisher hat noch niemand einen Score veröffentlicht.