Workout of the Day

So 18. Apr

a) movement prep
3 rounds
20 mountain climbers
10 sumo squat stretch
10 hip crossover

b) conditioning
amrap 9min
10 db/kb goblet squat
20 mountain climbers
10 single arm db push press

1min rest

amrap 3min
20 db/kb russian twist
10 alt single leg v-ups
10 seated tuck ups

1min rest

amrap 9min
10 db/kb goblet squats
20 mountain climbers
10 single arm db push press

no equipment squats, push ups, russian twist ohne db/kb

compare to 6.2.21

a) warm up
amrap 6min
100m run
5 lateral squat into curtsy squat / side
5 sumo squat stretch + thoracic rotation
bottom squat hold

b) conditioning 20min
for time
800m run
120 kb goblet squats 24/16
800m run


  • Bisher hat noch niemand einen Score veröffentlicht.