Workout of the Day

Di 6. Apr

a) movement prep
amrap 3min
4 down ups
4 sumo squat stretch

b) strength
3 sets
10 alt db/kb cossack squats
10 hollow rocks

no equipment cossack squats

c) conditioning
amrap 15min
20 alt db hang power clean & jerks
20 squats

no equipment hand release push ups

scaled kneeling hand release push ups

a) warm up 10min
2 rounds
10 sumo squat stretch
5 handwalks + push ups
2 rounds
10 squats
5 down ups
2 rounds
5 thruster (unloaded bar)
5 burpees over bar
5 thruster work load
5 burpees over bar

b) conditioning 15min
amrap 12min
2,4,6,8,10 etc reps
thruster 40/30
burpees over bar

scale 30/20


  • Chris

    Home WOD
    8+10 (around 16 kg)

    11. April 2021, 11:09