Workout of the Day

So 4. Apr

a) movement prep
jumping jacks
instep stretch + rotation

b) conditioning
for time
100 double unders
50 kb/db high pulls
50 hand release push ups
100 double unders
50 weighted step ups
50 weighted sit ups
100 double unders

no equipment jumping jacks, squats

compare to 23.1.21

a) warm up 10min
10 row >800/600
10 scorpions
10 row >1000/750
10 handwalks
10 row >1200/900
2 rounds
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 squats

b) conditioning 25min
for time
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 air squat
100cal row


  • Steffi K.


    4. April 2021, 13:19
  • René ✌🏻

    15:54 vs. 16:33 (23.1.) mit 24/20/5 & 50 cm also besser geworden 💪🏻

    4. April 2021, 18:39
  • René ✌🏻

    & natürlich jj. 😇

    4. April 2021, 18:40
  • Andreas Krogmann

    17:12 mit 20/13,5/13,5/ 50 cm

    5. April 2021, 19:25