Workout of the Day

Di 30. Mrz

a) movement prep
amrap 3min
12 jumping jacks
6 dynamic bridge
6 hollow rocks

b) strength
3 rounds
6 knee or feet chair supported strict handstand push ups into 30sec handstand hold
1min rest

c) conditioning
amrap 16min
12 reverse burpees
12 swings
24 jumping jacks

no equipment squats

a) warm up 10min
25,20,15,10,5 jumping jack
5,4,3,2,1 hand walk
12 good mornings (empty bar)
12 step ups
9 deadlifts (moderate)
9 box jumps
6 deadlifts (work load)

b) conditioning 15min
5 rounds for time
21 box jumps
12 deadlifts 80/60


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