Workout of the Day

Do 25. Jun

a) movement prep
2 rounds
handwalk + push up

b) prehab
2 rounds
banded face pulls
banded pull downs
banded side rotations

c) strength
emom 12min
even: 5-7 chin ups
odd: 14 weighted sit ups

d) conditioning
amrap 6min
12/10cal bike
10 alt db snatches 22,5/15

2min rest

amrap 6min
12/10cal ski
6 single arm devils press 22,5/15


  • Delia

    Super HomeWOD, Leo! Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht. 7 rds + 15 reps! :)

    25. Juni 2020, 09:36
  • Evers Andrea

    7+ 11 super wod. Delia ?

    25. Juni 2020, 20:57