Workout of the Day

Mo. 9. März

a) 4 sets
5 shoulder press heavy @80% of 1rm
10 inverted ring rows

b) for time
100 double unders
50 db hang power cleans 15/10
80 double unders
40 db push press 15/10
60 double unders
30 db hang clean & jerks 15/10
40 double unders
20 db thruster 15/10
20 double unders
10 db devils press 15/10

rx+ 20/15
scaled single unders (x2)

a) 4 sets
5 shoulder press
10 inverted ring rows

b) for time
100 double unders
50 db hang power cleans
80 double unders
40 db push press
60 double unders
30 db hang clean & jerks
40 double unders
20 db thruster
20 double unders
10 db devils press


  • Bisher hat noch niemand einen Score veröffentlicht.