Di 3. Mrz
a) 4 supersets
6 back squats heavy @78% of 1rm
6 broad jumps
3min rest
b) amrap 12min
12 wall balls 20/14
6 burpee box jump overs
a) 4 sets
6 back squats
6 tuck jumps
b) amrap 12min
12 wall balls
6 burpee box jump overs
a) 4 supersets
6 back squats heavy @78% of 1rm
6 broad jumps
3min rest
b) amrap 12min
12 wall balls 20/14
6 burpee box jump overs
a) 4 sets
6 back squats
6 tuck jumps
b) amrap 12min
12 wall balls
6 burpee box jump overs
Bisher hat noch niemand einen Score veröffentlicht.