Workout of the Day

Mo 2. Mrz

a) 0:00-10:00min
21,15,9 reps
power cleans 60/40
ring dips

compare to 22.08.2017

b) 10:00-20:00min
21,15,9 reps
push jerk 60/40
toes to bar

c) 20:00-30:00min
21,15,9 reps
barbell good mornings 20/15
bicep curls 20/15

scaled bench dips, leg raises, 40/30

a) 0:00-10:00min
21,15,9 reps
sumo deadlift high pulls
ring dips

b) 10:00-20:00min
21,15,9 reps
push press
toes to bar

c) 20:00-30:00min
21,15,9 reps
barbell good mornings
bicep curls


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