Workout of the Day

Do. 27. Feb.

a) 3 sets
5 bench press (heavy @81%)
5 single arm db row/side

b) for time
80 double unders
40 push jerks 40/30
40 pull ups
80 double unders
20 push jerks 50/35
20 chest to bar pull ups
80 double unders
10 push jerks 60/40
10 bar muscle ups

scaled 30/20, 40/30, 50/35,
ring rows, jumping pulls ups, pull ups,
single unders (x2)

a) 5 sets
5 bench press
10 single arm db row/side

b) for time
40 push press
40 jumping pull ups
100 double unders
20 push press
20 pull ups
100 double unders
10 push press
10 chest to bar pull ups
100 double unders


  • Bisher hat noch niemand einen Score veröffentlicht.