Workout of the Day

Mo 3. Feb

a) emom 10min
even: 8-10 single leg db romanian deadlifts/side
odd: 5-8 single arm db turkish sit ups/ side

b) for time
5 rounds
20/15 cal row
20 db hang clean & jerks 22,5/15
20 alt db overhead lunges 22,5/15

rx+ 30/20
scaled 15/10, frontrack lunges,

a) emom 10min
even: 8-10 single leg db romanian deadlifts/side
odd: 5-8 single arm db turkish sit ups/ side

b) emom 15min
1. 15/10cal row
2. 20 db hang clean & jerks
3. 16-20 alt db overhead lunges


  • Bisher hat noch niemand einen Score veröffentlicht.