Workout of the Day

Mi 29. Jan

a) emom 9 min
1. 3-6 strict pull ups
2. 8-10 v-ups
3. 3-6 stationary dips

scaled seated modification strict pull ups,
banded stationary dips, tuck ups

b) "Nate"
amrap 20 min
2 ring muscle ups
4 handstand push ups
8 swings 32/24

compare to

sclaed burpee pull ups, hand release push ups, 24/16

a) emom 12 min
1. 3-6 strict pull ups
2. 10 v-ups
3. 3-6 parallette dips

scaled seated modification strict pull ups, tuck ups

b) amrap 20 min
2 burpee pull ups
4 hand release push ups
8 swings


  • Bisher hat noch niemand einen Score veröffentlicht.