• Sun 6. Nov

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    sumo squat stretch
    cosack squats
    hollow rock / hold

    b) warm up 8min
    2 rounds
    45sec on / 15sec off
    plank shoulder taps
    air squats
    sit ups

    c) conditioing 34min
    emom 35min (7 rounds)
    1. 10-15 cal bike
    2. 15-20 push ups
    3. 15-20 goblet squat
    4. 20-30 med ball russian twist
    5. rest

  • Sat 5. Nov

    a) mobility 2min
    0:30sec each
    partner shoulder stretch
    partner back stretch

    b) warm up 5min
    in teams of 2
    3-5 rounds each
    A: single unders / double under practice
    B: 1 round
    5 ring rows
    4 deadlifts (empty bar)
    3 tall muscle cleans
    2 strict press

    c) team conditioning 30min
    amrap 30min

    6 rounds
    5 pull ups
    4 deadlifts 60/40
    3 hang power cleans
    2 push jerks

    200 double unders

    6 rounds
    5 pull ups
    4 deadlifts
    3 hang power cleans
    2 push jerks

    200 double unders

    6 rounds
    5 pull ups
    4 deadlifts
    3 hang power cleans
    2 push jerks

    200 double unders

    max rounds
    5 pull ups
    4 deadlifts
    3 hang power cleans
    2 push jerks

    *partner switch after each completed round

  • Fri 4. Nov

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    sumo squat stretch
    instep rotation stretch
    clamshell plank (30sec each side)

    b) warm up 6min
    emom 6min
    1. bike
    2. 5 push ups + 10 squats + x step ups

    c) back squat / ring dip 15min
    3-5 supersets
    A: 1-3 back squats @ 75-80%
    B: 40-50% of unbroken strict ring dips*
    *first set is unbroken for reps

    d) conditioning 16min
    emom 16min (8 rounds)
    1. 15/12 cal bike
    2. max burpee box jump over 60/50

  • Thu 3. Nov

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    sasmon stretch
    curtsy sqaut
    superman hold

    b) warm up 4min
    amrap 4min
    40m shuttle run
    20m walking lunges
    10m burpee broad jumps

    b) turkish get up 8min
    build to a heavy
    dumbbell turkish get up

    c) long conditioning 25min
    for time
    20m single arm farmers carry
    2 single arm devils press
    2 dumbbell overhead lunges
    40m single arm farmers carry
    4 single arm devils press
    4 dumbbell overhead lunges
    200m single arm farmers carry
    20 single arm devils press
    20 dumbbell overhead lunges

    dumbbell 20/15

  • Wed 2. Nov

    a) mobiity 4min
    1:00 each
    90/90 stretch
    bird dogs

    b) warm up 5min
    3 rounds
    8 ring rows
    8 good mornigs (empty barbell)
    8 push ups
    8 sit ups
    8 squats

    c) deadlift / strict pull ups 15min
    5 supersets
    A: 1-3 deadlifts @ 75-80%
    B: 40-50% of unbroken strict pull ups*
    *first set is unbroken for reps

    d) conditioning 16min
    on the 4:00 x 4
    400m run
    max body weight reps

    1. pull ups
    2. push ups
    3. sit ups
    4. squats

  • Tue 1. Nov

    a) mobility 5min
    rom drills

    b) warm up 5min
    3-5 rounds
    5 snatch grip deadlifts (empty barbell)
    5 tall muscle snatches
    5 burpees

    c) power snatch complex 15min
    build to a heavy complex:
    1 power snatch + 2 hang power snatch

    d) conditioning 15min
    8 rounds for time
    8 power snatches 40/30
    8 bar facing burpees