• Sat 21. Aug

    a) warm up
    amrap 6min
    teams of two as a relay
    12/8cal row
    10 wall squats
    10 step ups
    b) conditioning
    for time
    150/120cal row
    150 wall balls 20/14
    120 box jump overs 60/50
    150 single arm db thruster 25/15
    150/120cal row

  • Fri 20. Aug

    a) warm up 6min
    2 rounds
    45sec on/15sec off
    samson stretch
    dynamic bridge
    b) clean complex 10min
    work up to a heavy complex
    power clean + hang power clean + hang squat clean
    c) conditioning 24min
    4 rounds
    for total reps
    amrap 3min
    25/20cal ski
    10 burpees over bar
    max power cleans 50/35
    3min rest

  • Thu 19. Aug

    a) warm up 5min
    2 rounds
    200m run
    6 sumo squat stretch
    12 alt lat stretch
    b) conditioning 18min
    5 rounds
    for time
    400m run
    15 overhead squats 40/30
    compare to 13.07.2020

    scale f30/20. frontsquat

    c) accessories 10min
    3 sets
    10 barbell roll outs
    10 barbell glute bridge

  • Wed 18. Aug

    a) warm up 6min
    2 sets
    alt instep stretch + rotation
    kb deadlifts
    b) strength 15min
    4 sets
    6 sumo deadlift (climbing)
    c) conditioning 16min
    for time
    buy in 1000/800m row
    30-20-10 reps
    swings 32/24
    pull ups

  • Tue 17. Aug

    a) warm up 6min
    2 sets
    samson stretch
    handwalk + push up
    b) strength 12min
    5 sets
    5 benchpress (climbing)
    c) conditioning
    emom 16min
    1. 15/10cal bike
    2. 12-14 db frontrack lunges
    3. 10 db push ups
    4. 3-5 wall climbs
    scale 12/8cal, reps as needed

  • Mon 16. Aug

    a) warm up 6min
    3 sets
    single unders
    down dog & seal
    plank ups
    b) power snatch 10min
    emom 10min
    2 power snatch >80% of 3rm
    c) conditioning 14min
    amrap 14min
    5-10-15-20-25-etc reps
    hang power snatches 40/30
    toes to bar
    *30 double unders between sets