• Thu 9. Sep

    a) warm up 5min
    3 sets
    barbell good mornings
    handwalk + push ups
    b) strength 12min
    emom 12min
    1.-4.: 3 power cleans (climbing)
    5.-8.: 2 power cleans (climbing)
    9.-12.: 1 power clean (climbing)
    c) conditioning 15min
    3 rounds
    for time
    500/400m row
    21 deadlits 70/50
    12 handstand push ups

  • Wed 8. Sep

    a) warm up
    step ups
    prisoner good mornings
    samson stretch
    handwalk + push ups
    wall squats
    single unders
    b) conditioning
    "Filthy Fifty"
    for time
    50 box jumps 60/50
    50 jumping pull ups
    50 swings 16
    50 walking lunges
    50 knees to elbows
    50 push press 20/15
    50 back extensions
    50 wall balls 9/6
    50 burpees
    50 double unders

    compare to 11.03.2020

  • Tue 7. Sep

    a) warm up 8min
    2 sets
    ring rows with 3sec pause on top of rings
    handwalk + push ups
    b) strength 15min
    5 sets
    4-6 strict wide grip pull ups
    6-8 parallette push ups
    20-30"l-sit on parallettes
    scale banded pull ups, seated barbell wide grip pull ups
    kneeling push ups, tuck sit hold
    c) conditioning 16min
    every 4min
    for 4 rounds
    20/15cal ski
    200m run
    10 ball slams 20/15

  • Mon 6. Sep

    a) warm up 5min
    amrap 5min
    10 alt inverted hamstring stretch
    10 step ups
    10 sumo squat stretch
    b) strength 16min
    3 supersets
    6 frontsquats >70%
    6 high box jumps 100/75
    3min rest
    c) conditioning 14min
    for time
    20 toes to bar
    30 db hang squat cleans 20/15
    60 db box step overs 60/50
    30 db hang squat cleans 20/15
    20 toes to bar

  • Sun 5. Sep

    a) warm up
    amrap 5min
    5 down ups
    10 sumo squat stretch
    10 dowel pass through

    b) skill: db overhead lunges

    c) conditioning
    8 rounds
    wall climb
    db overhead lunges
    burpees over db

    a) warm up
    3 sets
    samson stretch
    hollow hold
    b) conditiong
    15 sets (each) >75%
    *goal is to maintain pace

  • Sat 4. Sep

    a) warm up
    400m run
    2 rounds
    5 sumo squst stretch
    5 down ups
    b) conditioning 35min
    teams of two
    for time
    80 synch alt db snatches 25/15
    400m run with db
    80 synch single arm db thruster 25/25
    400m run with db
    80 sych single arm devils press 25/25