• Wed 15. Sep

    a) warm up 4min
    2 sets
    rope jumps
    shoulder press with 3sec pause on top (unloaded bar)
    b) strength 12min
    9-7-5-3-1 reps
    push press (climbing)
    c) conditioning 14min
    amrap 14min
    20 alt offset db single arm push press 20/15
    30 sit ups
    40 double unders

    scale 15/10, single unders (x2)

  • Tue 14. Sep

    a) warm up 6min
    amrap 6min
    teams of two
    8/6cal bike
    6 step ups
    partner holds plank
    b) strength 12min
    emom 12min
    1. 2 alt turkish get ups
    2. 45"plank hold
    c) conditioning 16min
    4 rounds
    for total reps
    amrap 2min
    18/14cal bike
    10 box jump overs 60/50
    max swings 32/24
    2min rest

    scale 15/10

  • Mon 13. Sep

    "a) warm up
    2 sets
    sumo squat stretch
    handwalk + push up
    b) conditioning 30min
    30 rounds
    for time
    5 wall balls 20/14
    3 handstand push ups
    1 power clean 100/70

    compare to 20.02.2020

  • Sun 12. Sep

    a) movement prep
    jumping jacks
    samson stretch

    b) skill: double db hang power clean b/w legs

    c) conditioning
    emom 30min
    1. 15/10cal bike
    2. 12 double db hang power cleans
    3. 12 db step ups
    4. 50 rope jumps
    5. 6-8 double db devils press
    6. rest

  • Sat 11. Sep

    a) warm up 5min
    instep stretch + rotation
    step ups
    ring rows
    b) conditioning 26min
    teams of 2
    amrap 12min
    8/6cal bike
    8 double db frontrack lunges 15/10
    8 box jumps 60/50
    2min rest
    amrap 12min
    8/6cal row
    8 pull ups
    8 double db push press 15/10


  • Fri 10. Sep

    a) warm up 5min
    amrap 5min
    4 down ups
    8 twisted cross
    10 reverse snow angels
    12 alt shoulder taps in push up position
    b) strength 10min
    every 2:30min for 5 rounds
    4 close grip benchpress >75%
    8 single arm db bent over row/side
    c) conditioning 15min
    amrap 14min
    16 alt db snatches 22,5/15
    12 weighted sit ups 22,5/15
    8 burpees over db