• Sun 29. Jan

    a) mobility 3min
    1:00 each
    samson stretch

    b) warm up 8min
    2 rounds
    1:00 lunges
    1:00 bike
    1:00 burpees
    1:00 bench hop overs

    c) conditioning 35min
    emom 35min (7 rounds)
    1. 15-20 plate overhead lunges 20/15
    2. 10-15 cal bike
    3. 10-15 hand release push ups
    4. 15-30 bench hop overs
    5. rest

  • Sat 28. Jan

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    samson stretch
    prone partner shoulder stretch / each

    b) warm up 6min
    2-3 rounds
    A: 500m bike
    B: 5 muscle clean (empty bar)
    5 strict press
    max nose to wall handstand hold

    c) team conditioning 35min
    in teams of 2
    for time
    4000m bike
    40 clean & jerks 60/40
    40 wall walks
    40 clean & jerks 60/40
    4000m bike

  • Fri 27. Jan

    a) mobility / warm up 5min
    1:00 each
    sumo squat stretch
    cossack squats
    air squats

    b) back squats 15min
    5-3-1-5-3-1 @ 75-83%
    *second wave should be slightly heavier

    c) conditioning 20min
    "CFG Open 20.5"
    for time (partition as needed)
    40 ring muscle ups
    80 cal row
    120 wall balls 9/6

  • Thu 26. Jan

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    calf stretch
    superman hold

    b) warm up 5min
    3 rounds
    9 kb deadlifs
    3 shuttle runs
    9 push ups
    3 shuttle run
    9 broad jumps
    3 shuttle runs

    c) conditioing 25min
    10 rounds for time
    9 swings 32/24
    9m burpee broad jumps
    9 shuttle runs (9m)

    d) midline 10min
    3 rounds
    90m single arm farmers carry
    30 sit ups

  • Wed 25. Jan

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    inverted hamstring stretch
    samson stretch
    insteo rotation stretch
    glute bridge

    b) warm up 5min
    amrap 5min (for quality)
    12 deadlifts (empty bar)
    9 sit ups
    6 pike push ups

    c) deadlift 10min
    3 sets:
    5 deadlifts > 83%

    d) conditioning 12min
    amrap 5min
    max toes to bar

    emom (starting at 0:00):
    9 deadlifts 80/60

    rest 2min

    amrap 5min
    max handstand push ups

    emom (starting at 0:00):
    9 deadlifts 80/60

  • Tue 24. Jan

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    calf stretch
    samson stretch
    prone snowangels

    b) warm up 5min
    2 rounds
    100 singe unders
    10 push ups
    10 ring rows
    10 lunges

    c) strict press 12min
    6 sets:
    2-3 strict presses > 78%

    d) conditioning 18min
    5 rounds for time
    60 double unders
    9 chest to bar pull ups
    12 alternating db lunges 20/15